Holy Treats
John & Mary Gaeta happily provided the sweets for the Diocese of Baton Rouge’s Northeast Deanery meeting at St. Margaret Catholic Church on Wednesday. “It was a good opportunity to show our support and appreciation of our priests and Bishop.” John made his famous fig cookies, and a variety of mini tarts including cherry cheesecake,…
Passionate Reflections
It’s always interesting to “hear the perspective” of the young men and women who participate in our annual Passion Play. Here are a few of their annual “Passionate Reflections: Reflections From Megan Ourso, Director We are at one of our first practices, and I hear talking and some giggles as Audrey and William walk…
Forget Ourselves
“Let us learn from Him to forget ourselves, to devote ourselves to the service of God and the good of men.” Blessed Frederic Ozanam. Lent is a special season of prayer, fasting and almsgiving. This year the creative leadership of St. Margaret, St. Thomas Chapel, Catholic Church in Albany/Springfield posed an especially unique challenge to…
Lenten Reflection with Deacon Randall Waguespack
Mark 7:1-13 Brothers and Sisters, it is easy to hear the Gospel and to think about all of the hypocrites out there in the world. The first hypocrites that come to mind are all of the TV evangelists who fell from grace and some of the scandals in our own Church – but this…
Silver Rose Service
The Knights of Columbus Council #10178 of St. Margaret, Queen of Scotland, Church in Albany hosted a Sliver Rose Service on October 27, 2022 to honor Our Lady of Guadalupe and reaffirm their dedication to the sanctity of life. The evening began with a rosary led by John Gaeta. The service included the story of…
Many Hands Make Light Work
Thomas’ Table served about 80 students for dinner at St. Thomas Aquinas Diocesan Regional School in Hammond; there was enough leftover to feed the faculty the next day. The event was a great success.! Other leftovers are being made available for ministerial use in the parish.
Going Forth, Together
Being part of a community doesn’t mean we just show up for one event and lead. Our Church needs dynamic, active members – like YOU – to go out and do the work of the Church. St. Margaret is a dynamic community that invites YOU to go forth to proclaim the Good News! Members of…
Intentional Formation
The first book of the 2022-2023 season of the OneBook, OneChurch Ministry – St. Margaret’s faith-sharing book discussion, came to a close this week. The book, “Forming Intentional Disciples, The Path to Knowing and Following Jesus,” by Sherry Weddell, was thought provoking and sparked great discussion among the participants. The next book discussion will occur…
Blind Date (With a Book)
This summer, our Youth Group Core Team donated books for our Youth Group to find in our Youth Library. These books were about a variety of topics and covered many genres. From Christian/Catholic books on virtue to fiction books that found their footing in pointing to beauty, truth, and goodness, our library had something for…