Faith Questions
“Evangelization is in fact the grace and vocation proper to the Church, her deepest identity. She exists in order to evangelize.” -Evangelii Nuntiandi, Saint Paul VI
Think of it – Jesus was in the business of helping people find their faith. He called Matthew, a cheating tax collector, to a new life of discipleship; he invited a despised little man named Zacchaeus to come down from his tree to dwell in the beauty and messiness of creation; he invited a sinful woman to turn away from worldly desires and to sin no more. To saints and sinners alike, Jesus reveals the message of the kingdom of heaven – Good News indeed!
Beginning to live a life of radical discipleship, though, often brings more questions than answers. Have you been introduced to discipleship but still have questions about why Catholics do what they do or what we really believe as a Christian community?
Email your questions and we’ll attempt to answer!
Who knows, your question might be the springboard for disciples with questions similar to yours!