Altar Society
The goal of this ministry’s ministers is to keep God’s house cleaned, polished and in order for all who enter into our place of worship.
Cemetery Committee
The cemetery committee organizes, manages and implements cemetery affairs. Nurturing a culture of life includes having a respectful treatment of those who have died.
Finance Council
The Council serves as a consultative body to the Pastor for planning and policy making with regard to finance at St. Margaret.
Master Planning Committee
This consultative body provides counsel to the Pastor on issues regarding the maintenance and improvement of the parish infrastructure, especially major building projects.
Pastoral Council
A group of Christian faithful who share their collective wisdom with the Pastor for the spiritual and material growth and well-being of the parish who meet every other month is known as the Pastoral Council.
St. Matthew’s Guild
This Ministry Guild is a group of dedicated parishioners who observe the strictest confidentiality as they count all monies collected by the parish and record all contributions to prepare them for deposit.