Altar Society
“As each one has received a gift, use it to serve one another as good stewards of God’s varied grace ” (1 Peter 4:10).
The goal of this ministry’s ministers is to keep God’s house cleaned, polished and in order for all who enter into our place of worship. Ministers clean the linens, vestments, and the church itself. Cleanliness is next to Godliness. All hands are welcome to help clean and launder!
Also, creating an environment that draws the people to the heart of worship is a big part of what makes up this ministry. We help people focus on the Mass by making the worship space reflect the message of each season; this allows the congregation to enter into the beauty and the majesty of Our Lord himself. We invite volunteers to join us in making and finding decorations and preparing the church and grounds each liturgical season.
Ministry Chairpersons:
St. Margaret:
Dawn Littlejohn (225-567-6484;
St. Thomas:
Marsha Sherburne (985-507-1217;
Susan Martin (225-294-5491;
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