“Jesus answered, ‘If you want to be perfect, go, sell your possessions and give to the poor, and you will have treasure in heaven.  Then come, follow me'” (Matthew 19:21).

The purpose of the Finance Council is to assist the pastor in budget planning for the parish and to examine its financial performance and viability on a monthly and annual basis.  The Council serves as a consultative body to the Pastor for planning and policy making with regard to finance at St. Margaret.  As such, the Council receives reports on a regular basis from the Parish Bookkeeper in order to be able to carry out its proper function. The Pastor and Finance Council always seek a consensus of decision making on matters of financial expenditure within the Parish through prayer, dialogue, and mutually respectful listening and the expression of honest opinion.  The Council meets at least four times annually.  Are you willing to help the Pastor be a good steward of the gifts that are given to us?


Ministry Chairperson:

Fr. Paul Gros (225-567-3573, ext. 102; pgros@stmargaretstthomas.com)

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