Sundry Ruminations

Experiences of En-fleshed Humans Matter by Father Jamin Scott David Do you remember the first prayer that you learned? Maybe it was the classic “Our Father,” common to every single Christian denomination. As a Catholic, maybe it was the “Hail Mary” in honor of our Blessed Mother. For those of you who needed less word]s,…

Lectio Divina – Part IV

Part IV of a IV Part Series by Jim Batson Pray for Awareness, Look for Clues Like I mentioned earlier, the Holy Spirit blesses me with awareness throughout my day and week.  You might say that I am a bit of a pirate when it comes to this as thoughts and ideas from seemingly common…

Lectio Divina – Part III

Part III of a IV Part Series by Jim Batson How it Started Being a convert to Catholicism, I have been on a spiritual journey most of my adult life.  Some parts of the journey have been less spiritually involved than others, and there has certainly been a build-up in depth and breadth of faith…

Lectio Divina – Part II

Part II of a IV Part Series by Fr. Paul Gros Before we even begin to pray, we must first place ourselves in a comfortable position and allow ourselves to become silent, quieting our hearts. Sometimes taking a few minutes to focus on our breathing while slowly reciting a small prayer phrase like “Come Holy…

Lectio Divina – Part I

Part I of a IV Part Series by Fr. Paul Gros “Lord, teach us how to pray!” (Mt 6:9) This was the request by Jesus’ disciples in Matthew’s Gospel as they observed Jesus Himself praying. To be in relationship with God, our Creator, is the desire of every human heart whether we know it or…

Charity Incarnate

Which Ministry is Right for You? by Lynn Garro One of the great things I love about St. Margaret Church is the number of ministry opportunities that are available to our parishioners. I have often said that St. Margaret has a ministry for everyone! I am involved in several, in varying degrees of participation, (another…

Sundry Ruminations

The Way of Life is Through a Cross! by Father Jamin Scott David Trouble is really the context of today’s Gospel. We hear the familiar words in John’s Gospel today that are spoken often at funerals. “Do not let your hearts be troubled.” We tend to think that Jesus said these words with confidence. But…

Are You In Love?

A Review of Timothy O’Malley’s Becoming Eucharistic People by Savanna Balado “In the Eucharist, we are taught how to love our neighbor because we are receiving Love Itself.”  A couple of months ago I had the privilege of diving into Timothy O’Malley’s thought provoking and convicting book “Becoming Eucharistic People” with some beautiful fellow parishioners…