Updates - Tag: #StMargaretStThomasChurch
Sundry Ruminations
by Very Rev. Jamin Scott David In olden times there reigned in Persia a great monarch, Shah Abbis, who loved his people. To know them more perfectly, he used to mingle with them in various disguises. One day, disguised as a poor man, he went to the public baths and there in the tiny cellar…

Water From the South
“Commit your work to the Lord, and your plans will succeed.” ~ Proverbs 16:3 A story of success by Christine Stolf Christine Stolf joined St. Margaret parish in 2011 and quickly went to work volunteering. Today she is a co-chair of the Grief Share Ministry and teaches a Bible study class in Spring and Fall….
Sundry Ruminations
by Father Jamin Scott David People make extraordinary claims everyday of their lives. The story is told of a woman who accompanied her husband to the doctor for his annual physical. The doctor asked her for a private conversation before they left the office. “Your husband,” the doctor said, “is under great stress and…
Sundry Ruminations
What Legacy are you Creating? by Fr. Jamin Scott David As I finished seminary at Notre Dame in New Orleans, my class realized that there was a tradition that the graduating men would leave a gift behind for the seminary. I realized soon enough that each class was very unique, and their gift said a…

Sundry Ruminations
The Way of Life is Through a Cross! by Father Jamin Scott David Trouble is really the context of today’s Gospel. We hear the familiar words in John’s Gospel today that are spoken often at funerals. “Do not let your hearts be troubled.” We tend to think that Jesus said these words with confidence. But…

All Are Welcome
St. Margaret has certainly seen its share of disasters. In a recent sermon, Fr. Jamin retells the beautiful story of our Church in action. In the aftermath of the 2016 flood, our community realized a humanitarian crisis was brewing on I-12. People were literally stuck on the interstate for more than 48 hours with no…

Are You In Love?
A Review of Timothy O’Malley’s Becoming Eucharistic People by Savanna Balado “In the Eucharist, we are taught how to love our neighbor because we are receiving Love Itself.” A couple of months ago I had the privilege of diving into Timothy O’Malley’s thought provoking and convicting book “Becoming Eucharistic People” with some beautiful fellow parishioners…

Silver Rose Service
The Knights of Columbus Council #10178 of St. Margaret, Queen of Scotland, Church in Albany hosted a Sliver Rose Service on October 27, 2022 to honor Our Lady of Guadalupe and reaffirm their dedication to the sanctity of life. The evening began with a rosary led by John Gaeta. The service included the story of…

Many Hands Make Light Work
Thomas’ Table served about 80 students for dinner at St. Thomas Aquinas Diocesan Regional School in Hammond; there was enough leftover to feed the faculty the next day. The event was a great success.! Other leftovers are being made available for ministerial use in the parish.