Updates - Category: Community

Sundry Ruminations
by Fr. Paul Gros Dear Family in Christ, Peace in the Lord Jesus Christ! So, what was your favorite subject in school growing up? For me, I was a math and science guy. I know for others the opposite may be true – they liked Literature, English and/or Art classes. Numerological science says that these…

Sundry Ruminations
by Fr. Paul Gros Dear Family in Christ, Peace in the Lord Jesus Christ! Many of you are parents or grandparents so you know what it is like to raise children. How many of us have had to let our children make mistakes when it comes to learning new things in their lives? I know…

Sundry Ruminations
by Rev. Paul Gros Dear Family in Christ, Peace be with you! It is a joy for me to write my first bulletin article for you in the “Pew Buddy”. And…it is such a joy for me to be back in ministry after taking a month of “emotional sabbatical’. I can truly say it was…
Sundry Ruminations
by Very Rev. Jamin Scott David I remember when I took my comprehensive exam for my canon law degree. All of us had to go, one by one, before a panel of three of our professors. For two hours, they grilled us about anything and everything that they wanted to know about the Code of…
Sundry Ruminations
by Very Rev. Jamin Scott David Have you ever watched the news and seen those stories about people who win those multi-million dollar jackpots like the Louisiana Lottery, or MegaBucks, or the Powerball? Have you ever wished that you won the prize? You probably did, and you feel like if you won it, you would…
Sundry Ruminations
by Very Rev. Jamin Scott David You probably weren’t expecting to see a column from this guy again! Foremost, I wanted to simply say ‘thanks’ for the wonderful spirit of community embodied in the four porch parties and the farewell celebration that cumulatively marked a good send-off to Baton Rouge. Your love for me was…
Sundry Ruminations
by Very Rev. Jamin Scott David In olden times there reigned in Persia a great monarch, Shah Abbis, who loved his people. To know them more perfectly, he used to mingle with them in various disguises. One day, disguised as a poor man, he went to the public baths and there in the tiny cellar…
Sundry Ruminations
by Very Rev. Jamin Scott David The realities of Monday are right around the corner; the real world awaits in just a couple of days. When the holidays come, we feel relaxed and we just want to take some time to get away; but just as soon at it comes it seems like it’s…
Sundry Ruminations
by Father Jamin Scott David The reason “the kindness of strangers” receives such a high profile in Matthew 10 is because Jesus is not talking about a message to be heard but about the reception of a person, namely himself as he dwells inside the disciples. Among other things in this passage, there is…
Sundry Ruminations
by Father Jamin Scott David Suffering is real, even for those who are called by God. The prophets, the disciples, and the early Christians often paid a price for responding to the call. We may understand this more readily in times of persecution or political unrest or observe it in other faith traditions. Even choosing…