What’s Your Good News?
St. Margaret’s youth were posed a question during one of their summer youth nights: What is your good news?
Youth Minister Ansleigh Munn explained that the Good News of the Gospel of Jesus Christ is the universal Good News, but she wanted the youth to pinpoint and write down what piece of that Gospel is their personal good news.
The high schoolers walked into the Youth Room after their short summer break to find the bulletin board decorated with the answers they had given to that question. Their answers were handwritten for the board by our Core Team.
As you can see in the photo, the board is also decorated with fruit because “Come Holy Spirit” is our motto for our youth group year. The youth will be learning more about both the gifts and fruits of the Spirit.
Thanks to the generosity of our Core Team, the youth group also owns a polaroid camera and will be plastering their pictures all around the board. The youth will eventually have the chance to take home their personal note cards during the Fall when we redecorate the board.
We hope that having our personal Good News written up beautifully where they can see will serve as a reminder that with Jesus Christ as our savior, there is always GOOD news!