The Roof is Coming

Dearest friends:
It has been some time since we’ve last had a construction update and much work has been done both to the St. Margaret Church structure and site for parking. Here’s what’s happening around the site:
- The concrete for the drive through pavilion at the rear of the Church was completed after three pours of concrete;
- The second story of the sacristy/new addition is now framed;
- Rafters and trusses have been completely installed;
- The HVAC system for the Church is on site;
- While the electrician is waiting on light fixtures, he continues to complete electrical work;
- Weather cooperating, the week of Ash Wednesday, the contractor expects roof work to begin including structural work to the steeple;
- Plumbing work in the new addition/sacristy/bathroom will begin this week;
- Important structural work to assure the integrity of the bell tower will continue.
Everything seems to be continuing as planned. As soon as weather permits, forms for the parking area will be completed, concrete will be poured, and after 30 days of curing, the contractor will begin site work on other parking areas around the property. As I mentioned at Mass this weekend, patience will be a virtue that we’ll all need!
Thank you for your generosity in helping us to preserve our past while moving toward a brilliant future!
~Fr. Jamin