Sponsorship Opportunities

Opportunities still remain if you would like to sponsor any of the various furnishings for the newly renovated church. Your generosity will further assist us in this endeavor and help to raise money to offset the costs. Here are the remaining items:
- Altar – $7,170 (1 giving opportunity)
- Altar Reredos – $34,794 (1 giving opportunity)
- Ambo – $4,698 (1 giving opportunity)
- Baptismal Font – $6,470 (1 giving opportunity)
- Bronze St. Margaret Statue – $18,000 (1 giving opportunity)
- Choir Loft Chairs – $318 per chair (14 giving opportunities)
- Deacon’s Chair – $1,684 (1 giving opportunity)
- Pews – $3,458 per pew (30 giving opportunities)
- Prie Dieu (kneelers) – $1,434 (1 giving opportunity)
- Rear Statue Pedestals – $1,529 per pedestal (2 giving opportunities)
- Sacristy Statue Pedestal – $2,463 (1 giving opportunity)
- Sanctuary Statue Pedestals – $1,990 per pedestal(2 giving opportunities)
- Stations of the Cross – $5,580 per station (12 giving opportunities)
- Windows – $9,032 per window (11 giving opportunities)
The form for sponsoring an item can be found under the “Bulletin” tab of the website or you can contact Mary E. Herbert in the parish office. Cash, checks and credit cards are accepted. A payment plan can also be arranged. Remember, your name and any dedication in memory or in honor of a loved one, family member or friend will be inscribed in our Book of Acknowledgements to be displayed in the church.
Thank you for your generosity in securing a bright future for our Parish!
~Fr. Jamin