Restricted Access
Dearest Parishioners:
Are you happy with the progress of our Church renovation project? With the first coats of paint now being applied to the Church’s exterior hide, she’s really starting to take shape! Much work remains on the interior of the “old girl,” but our contractor assures us that we’re “full steam ahead.”
Now’s the time that we need to start doing some more site work in order to prepare for the final paving around St. Margaret Church. In order for us to do this, we need to restrict access to the cemetery through the main gate. From Saturday, 15 June through Monday, 24 June, parishioners and visitors will not be able to access the cemetery either from the front entrance off of Catholic Hall Road (the main construction site) or the front entrance of the cemetery (the gravel access off of Bates Road). Rather, the rear service entry of the cemetery will serve as the only point of access to the cemetery proper (pray for NO rain during this period!)
The reason for this temporary restriction is so that we can pave the apron portion of the front entry road immediately east of the cemetery to allow easier and safer access onto the property. Remember that we’re only paving a small portion near the cemetery (the road to connect the new parking lots to Bates Road will come later at a $1 million dollar price tag in today’s dollars! Yikes!) On Saturday, 15 June, contractors will do the site work near the cemetery including the removal of old culverts, placing limestone, and forming the area; on Monday, 17 June, contractors will begin to pave the site with concrete, weather permitting. We need a few days for the concrete to cure, hence we will not open that access point again until Tuesday, 25 June.
Please spread the word about this restricted access. I know this will create a burden for many of you, but this is yet another necessary step to secure our future while preserving our past!
~Fr. Jamin