Responsibilities That Can Fill A Magnum

Sunday, August 21, 2022, was quite a day at the bustling St. Margaret campus! The day began with Mass, celebrated with the newly-ordained Deacon Randall Waguespack preaching, his beautiful reception, the first day of classes for the 2022-2023 PSR program, meetings galore, and it ended with the first installment of Theology in a Bottle.
This installment, titled “Responsibilities That Could Fill A Magnum: The Daily Life of a Priest”, was given by Father Jamin who packed the house with standing-room only attendance. The turnout was celebrated with delicious snacks provided by our wonderful parishioners, wine, beer, and our first Signature Cocktail, something new that we will be implementing at all Theology in a Bottle installments!
During the presentation, Father Jamin explained to us that not all priests’ days look the same. Many believe (or at least joke) that a priest just sits around all week planning their homily for the weekend. This could not be farther from the truth! The life and daily schedule of a priest varies on many levels. Some have large parishes, some small; some cover multiple churches in a parish; some are professors; some have additional responsibilities at the Diocese; some have other priests in the parish with them, while some carry all the responsibilities of the parish by himself; and the list could go on. Another very interesting point of clarification on the daily life of a priest are the various religious orders that a priest can belong to – all which have very different rules and ways of life.
If you listened to this presentation, you now see just how busy our Father Jamin and Father Paul really are! We are so thankful for everything that they and the deacons do for each of us. We are truly blessed with the best! St. Margaret is already gearing up for the next installment of Theology in a Bottle, which will be held on Sunday, September 18, 2022, after the 5:30PM Mass, and it is titled, “Pervasively Potent: Sacraments – Outward Signs of Invisible Realities,” given by Deacon Joseph Bresowar. We can’t wait to see what will be chosen as his Signature Cocktail for the night!
This Signature Cocktail, chosen by Fr. Jamin, was the “Corpse Reviver” – a citrusy-gin drink, strong enough to wake even the dead!
A Corpse Reviver (No.2):
Equal Parts, Garnished with an orange peel:
Lillet Blanc (or Vermouth)
Lemon Juice
Join us at St. Margaret for “Theology in a Bottle!”