“Whatever town or village you enter, look for a worthy person in it, and stay there until you leave.  As you enter a house, wish it peace.  If the house is worthy, let your peace come upon it; if not, let your peace return to you ” (Matthew 10: 11-13).

In South Louisiana, we are familiar with hospitality!  We “roll out the red carpet” when guests come to our home by cleaning up, preparing drinks and snacks, and providing to our guests’ comfort.  Like Martha and Mary in the Scripture, we focus our attention on visitors, doing everything that we can to make our home feel like theirs.  Perhaps St. Margaret’s greatest gift is her welcoming spirit.  Visitors to our Church always leave with the same mantra:  “Even though we’re new, we feel like we’ve been here forever!” We want our community to know just how hospitable our parishioners really can be!  Now Go Forth, our Welcoming Committee, aims to make new parishioners know that our church home is also theirs by initiating relationships that will last for years to come.  Members create welcoming bags and personally visit our new registrants, making the most of every opportunity given.  Are you ready to welcome new people so that our Church continues to grow?

Ministry Chairperson:

Sylvia Bush (985-969-7477; sylviabush@gmail.com)

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