Parish School of Religion
“Let the children come to me, and do not prevent them. For the Kingdom of Heaven belongs to such as these” (Matthew 19:14).
By means of a formal catechetical setting, this ministry assists parents, the primary educators of their children, in strengthening their children’s faith. The program is designed especially for those children who attend non-parochial schools. PSR is offered for children in grades Kindergarten through Eleven. Qualified instructors are selected after interviewing with the Pastor and Youth Formation Coordinator. Morning sessions are on Sunday after the 10:00AM Mass from 11:15AM until 12:30PM from fall through the spring. These sessions are for children in grades Kindergarten through Six. The evening sessions are held on Sunday after the 5:30PM Mass from 6:45PM until 8:00PM from fall through spring. Seventh through Tenth grades as well as the Eleventh grade Confirmation class meet at this time. Volunteers are always welcome!
Ministry Chairperson:
Baleigh Henderson (225-567-3573 Ext. 112; (
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