Journeying with Jesus

Dear Friends:
The Stations of the Cross chronicles the last few hours of the life of Jesus Christ and is a way for the faithful to literally walk with the Lord in prayerful gratitude, wonder and awe.
Whereas history does not provide us with specific evidence of the very first visual (artistic) articulation of the Stations of the Cross, we might well imagine the origin of this popular devotion occurring as our ancestors in the faith walked along the very “way of the cross” in the streets and roads of Jerusalem and pondered in their hearts the great mystery of the passion and death of Jesus.
We thought this Good Friday you might appreciate a meditation on the “new” stations for our renovated Church. These were commissioned by me. Norman Faucheux, a local artist, is helping to bring these to life by placing the scenes of the crucifixion within our South Louisiana landscape. There may even be a few folks your recognize in the paintings! Sponsorship opportunities are available for these; considering giving one to St. Margaret in memory of your loved ones! Check out our progress so far.
Happy Triduum!
~Fr. Jamin