Ida Recovery Begins

Hurricane Ida – Recovery Begins(Wednesday, 01 September 2021 Update)
Dear Friends:
Communication has been our biggest difficulty in this storm; that, and we’ve literally been cutting our way out of neighborhoods just so we can move around! Here’s an update of what is happening and what we plan to do to move forward:
1. Today, Fr. Jamin and Fr. Paul, with the help of Jason Summers (our groundskeeper), Dr. David Whidden (our friend from FRANU in Baton Rouge), Hunter Doiron (a FRANU student) cleared many of the trees that lined the road leading to the cemetery. It was a grueling day, but progress was made!
2. Also, thanks to Landon Goings (our Facilities Custodian) and Bryce Wadenpfuhl, we were able to do mitigation in the Hall of Saints to remove fallen and wet insulation and sheetrock. Thanks to both groups for their hard work!
3. Masses – We’re celebrating daily Mass in St. Margaret Church at 7:00AM. You’re welcome to come (it’s warm!). Also, you might want to conserve fuel. Just know that we’re praying with you and for you. We’ll update you soon on weekend Mass plans.
4. Obviously, all parochial events through Labor Day are cancelled. This includes Eucharistic Adoration, the Staff Meeting, the Pastoral Council Meeting, and reconciliation.
5. We’re turning our attention to recovery. We need your help! Can you let us know your status? If you need something, post it in the comment thread on this post, and we’ll do what we can to help!
6. If you’re not from St. Margaret and would like to donate, these are the things parishioners need right now:
Gas and Gas Cans
Flashlights and Batteries
Giftcards (Exxon, Shell, Lowe’s, Home Depot, Target, Wal-Mart)
Fix A Flat
Tire Inflators (Portable; to plug into a car)
Any help you could give would be useful, and we’ll announce to parishioners when things are available.
7. Many volunteer groups have offered to cook. Please message St. Margaret with the number and kind of meals you can provide and our availability. We’ll then let the community know when food will be expected to feed our families and front line workers.
8. We currently have about 120 “Emergency Buckets” available in the Parish Hall. If you’d like to stop by between 8:30 and 4:30, we’ll leave the front door open for you to grab one or two. They contain gloves, trash bags, cleaning supplies, detergent, etc. These might be especially helpful to our parishioners who have flooded.
9. Since we’re a little locked in with difficult communication, you can always come see us. Fr. Jamin and Fr. Paul are usually roaming the property, working or trying to get our relief efforts together. Or just come and have a drink with us on the rectory front porch in the evenings!
Sorry about the long post tonight, but since I have a “bar” of service while I sit on the golf cart in a corner of the property, I knew we had to get the word out. We haven’t forgotten you St. Margaret! We’re in this together, and we’re going to do some great things with a little help from our friends!
~Fr. Jamin