Dearest Parishioners and Friends:

Exactly one year ago, our St. Margaret was gearing up to help our friends out west in Lake Charles prepare for the devastation that Hurricane Laura would bring. Looking at weather forecasts and models this morning, it seems like Southeast Louisiana in several days will be affected by soon-to-be Hurricane Ida. While the storm is still offshore, it’s a given that Louisiana and Mississippi will receive major impacts, perhaps even in our local communities.

We are beginning our storm preparations at St. Margaret to deal with the after-effects of the tropical whether here or in surrounding communities so that we can reach out immediately once it is safe to do so.

Consider going by Wal-Mart, Target, Shell or Exxon stations, Lowe’s and Home Depot and purchasing a gift card in any amount, preferably in denominations of $50 to $100 per card. Imagine the help we could give if each family were able to contribute something!

Place them in an envelope marked “Helping Hands” and return it to the parish office, the office dropbox, or in the collection this weekend, and try to do it as you make your own Hurricane preparations today and tomorrow. You can also give a cash donation that we will forward to the communities affected. This is a perfect way to help as all contributions will be forwarded directly to Hurricane victims without any overhead costs associated.

You can always give through our online platforms. Just tell us that your donation is a “Helping Hands” donation by giving at or at

Let’s get ready NOW to help those who we know will soon be affected! Stay safe friends, and more to come about St. Margaret’s characteristic outreach!

Fr. Jamin