Updates - Category: Community

Learn the Native Tongue
Hungarian Language Classes Begin Soon at St. Margaret A new teacher for the native language has arrived in Hungarian Settlement! The days and times for the Hungarian language classes are now set. The organizing group has tried their best to accommodate as many people as possible. Here are the group meeting times: Group…

The Roof is Coming
Dearest friends: It has been some time since we’ve last had a construction update and much work has been done both to the St. Margaret Church structure and site for parking. Here’s what’s happening around the site: The concrete for the drive through pavilion at the rear of the Church was completed after three pours…

Spies, or Something More?
Dear Friends: Have you ever noticed that we’re comfortable with the magi of the nativity scenes – the dazzling kings whom children dress up as for their pageants. We love to sing about “We Three Kings” of the Orient. But let’s not look past the inescapable conclusion of the Scripture – the Magi were spies….

Losing It!
Have you ever lost something? I’ve spent days looking for the remote for the TV only to realize that I put it in the freezer. How do you feel when you lost something? Imagine losing something precious – imagine losing a child! If you ask the “how could they do that?” question to Mary and…

Radical Imagining
Dear Friends: Have you ever taken the time to simply read the Christmas story? If you haven’t, that’s your homework this week! Read the first few introductory chapters of Luke’s Gospel and pay attention to his rich imagery. You’ll notice something almost immediately before this Gospel – men don’t say much of anything. Luke begins…

The Grace of the Do-Over
Look around today. It’s Advent isn’t it. Purple decorations. Dusted the wreath off. Familiar hymns. Salvation Army bell ringers at the store. Counting the days to Christmas. Black Friday shopping. Here we go again. The First Sunday of Advent. It’s one big do-over! But even though it might seem monotonous and routine, perhaps that’s the…