A Stewardship Request

A Special Stewardship Request
As you have seen in previous internet updates, Bishop Duca has dispensed Catholics from their Sunday obligation. Thus, your decision to attend Mass is a personal one for the next several weeks.
These national events in our midst help us to remember that everything we have is truly a gift from God, and the Lord encourages us to generously share those blessings with others. When we do, we accumulate lasting treasure. Because we define giving as an act of love and because we measure it against the great gift of God’s Son, then giving generously and sacrificially is exactly the point. Prayerfully, we give with generous hearts.
If you’re not going to attend Mass, I ask that you please remember your financial stewardship to St. Margaret. Please consider mailing your contributions weekly (PO Box 100, Albany, LA 70711) or to make a regular online contribution through our website (https://stmargaretstthomas.com/give/).
These weeks will be difficult for us all, but as we have in other times of adversity, we will get through together with God’s help and your generous spirit!
~Fr. Jamin